Proteos is a reputable contract service organization, committed to providing high-quality recombinant protein production services and deliverables that meet or exceed client expectations. The scientific staff has decades of combined experience and can anticipate challenges that may arise during protein production and leverage their knowledge and past successes to devise innovative solutions and optimize the overall workflow. The organization is an independent, employee-owned enterprise that exclusively operates within laboratories located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Business is conducted in an ethically, socially, and environmentally responsible manner.


Antibody Production

Recombinant expression and purification of full-length IgG and antibody fusion proteins. Our comprehensive production capabilities encompass construct design, transient mammalian cell expression using in-house or customer-provided expression vectors, and affinity purification.

Protein Expression

Expression platforms include mammalian cell, BV/insect cell, and bacterial systems. Molecular biology services include construct design, gene synthesis and endotoxin-free plasmid DNA isolation.

Protein Purification

Comprehensive protein purification and customizable protein analytics packages.

Protein Assay Services

Baculovirus titer assay, thermal shift assay (TSA), intact mass measurement, colorimetric and fluorometric assays.